Si potrebbe dire che Tetsuhiro potesse aver scambiato gli occhi con un dịch - Si potrebbe dire che Tetsuhiro potesse aver scambiato gli occhi con un Anh làm thế nào để nói

Si potrebbe dire che Tetsuhiro pote

Si potrebbe dire che Tetsuhiro potesse aver scambiato gli occhi con un paio di stelle dopo aver sentito che il suo amore più grande avrebbe accettato di tenere quel bambino.
«Che sia chiaro, lo tengo solo perché voglio fartela pagare per quello che mi hai fatto due mesi fa» dichiarò il senpai, con aria altezzosa, ma in fondo lui aveva accettato quel piccolo puntino che tra meno di sette mesi avrebbe potuto stringere tra le braccia.
Morinaga lo strinse forte a sé, baciandolo con foga. Il senpai, d'altro canto, si staccò e gli provocò in bernoccolo, facendolo scivolare a terra.
«Ahia! Senpai!»
«Cambi d'umore improvvisi... Li dovrai sopportare mio caro~» si giustificò Souichi, alzandosi e sistemandosi i vestiti. Solo ora il povero kohai aveva realizzato che nei prossimi mesi doveva sopportare un comportamento ancor più tirannico da parte del suo amato, ma, a dirla tutta poco importava se avrebbe dovuto farlo per la giusta ricompensa.
Prendendo le varie ecografie, ritornarono a casa.
«Ora non potrai importunarmi per ben sette mesi e mezzo~» canticchiò Souichi, saltellando felice per quella duratura scusa.
Il kohai rimase a bocca aperta. Era vero, durante la gestazione era preferibile non avere rapporti, figurati se ad aspettare un bambino fosse stato un uomo, incinto per miracolo... Meglio non rischiare.
«Angel-kun, perché hai questa faccia?» domandò Hiroto, vedendolo entrare nel bar con una faccia cadaverica.
«Sono tre mesi che non lo facciamo... Con la scusa di essere gravido, non posso possederlo... E ogni volta che mi si rizza, posso liberarmi solo con la mia mano...» rispose il povero Tetsuhiro, bevendo, per metà, un boccale di birra, gentilmente offertogli dall'amico.
«Beh, dai, ti stai trattenendo per una giusta causa... Pensa che tra poco, grazie a me, avrete un bambino» sottolineò il ragazzo dietro al bancone in legno.
Morinaga sorrise ripensando alla sera precedente. Il pancino cominciava ad essere più vistoso e non poté fare a meno di accarezzarlo. Si ricordò del sorriso del Senpai mentre lo accarezzava, e della mano affusolata del biondo che andava a poggiarsi sulla propria.
«Non vedo l'ora che passino questi mesi, Hiroto-kun... » Sussurrò dolce Morinaga, immerso nei suoi pensieri. Sentì il telefono squillare: era il senpai.
«Quando ti decidi a tornare a casa? Tra venti minuti abbiamo l'appuntamento dal medico!» sbraitò il biondo, stonandogli un orecchio, per poi staccare la chiamata senza neanche aspettare la risposta del futuro papà.
«Hiroto, io scappo... Oggi abbiamo la seconda ecografia... Alla prossima!»
Arrivò immediatamente a casa. Il senpai era rannicchiato su se stesso e Morinaga gli andò contro, prendendogli la mano.
«Andiamo?» chiese il moro, tirandolo un po'.
«Tetsuhiro... Ho paura... » Sussurrò il biondo, mentre si accarezzava la pancia.
«Perché hai paura, senpai?» chiese abbracciandolo affettuosamente, baciandogli la fronte.
«Ho paura di rimanere solo... Di non essere un buon genitore... Io lo odiavo questo bambino, ancora lo ripugno un po'...» biascicò, cominciando a piangere.
"Questi cambiamenti d'umore improvvisi..." pensò il kohai, dopo aver sentito le sue parole.
«Souichi, tu sarai una brava mamma per nostro figlio... e io non ti lascerò certo sol-Ahia! Cos'ho fatto ora?» domandò Morinaga, massaggiandosi la testa.
«Io sarò il papà! E ora muoviti che se no arriviamo in ritardo!!» dichiarò alzandosi e dirigendosi verso la porta.
Arrivarono con circa cinque minuti di ritardo, ma giusto in tempo per la visita.
«Ma chi si vede! Prego, entri pure... » disse il dottore che li seguiva dal primo momento.
«Ha preso le vitamine? È pronto per la seconda ecografia?» chiese l'infermiera, facendolo stendere sul lettino. Tatsumi annuì e si alzò la maglia. La ragazza gli spalmò il gel sul ventre appena gonfio, mentre il dottore era intento a sistemare il monitor e il macchinario per procedere a fare l'ecografia.
Quest'ultimo, una volta pronto tutto, accese il monitor e cominciò a far passare il macchinario sulla pancia di Souichi. Il puntino era cresciuto molto. Tetsuhiro e Souichi rimasero affascinati da quell'immagine in bianco e nero che ritraeva la condizione del piccolo.
«È cresciuto...ora è circa sei centimetri e pesa all’incirca 11 grammi... È davvero grande!» fece notare il dottore, sorridendo.
«È una cosa buona o cattiva?» chiesero, in coro, i due futuri genitori, ma il dottore li rassicurò che era una cosa più che buona.
Finita la visita, gli diede i risultati dell' ecografia, la prescrizione di altre vitamine e la raccomandazione di non bere e fumare durante la gravidanza.
Souichi, ora, voleva davvero trucidare Tetsuhiro. Come poteva vivere senza le sue sigarette e le sue sbronze? Si ripeté più volte in mente di stare tranquillo e di riuscire a resistere, avrebbe fatto tutto il possibile per quel bambino, anche se ancora non lo accettava pienamente.
Uscirono dalla grande struttura ospedaliera. Morinaga era felice come una Pasqua, Souichi un po’ meno...
Tornati a casa, il senpai si buttò a capofitto sul divano, sospirando per la sua morbidezza.
«Morinaga! Ho voglia di banane!» urlò, mettendosi un dito in bocca e guardandolo con occhi da cucciolo affamato.
«Ora vado a comprarle, aspetta qui... Tra poco sarò a casa...» rispose il moro, dandogli un bacio sulle labbra e uno sulla pancia. Souichi, invece di aggredirlo come era solito fare, si fece trasportare, addolcendosi un po'.
Morinaga uscì e andò a comprargli delle banane, passando accanto a un negozio per neonati. Nelle vetrine c'era un manichino di un bambino che indossava una tutina azzurra. Si immaginò suo figlio in quelle vesti e si commosse.
Dopo un po' ritornò a casa, avvisando il senpai che si era appisolato mentre lo aspettava.
Gli porse una banana e, dopo essersi svegliato, ammirò il senpai mangiarla. ERA MEGLIO PER MORINAGA CHE NON L' AVESSE FATTO.
Souichi, forse per provocarlo, forse per modo di fare, mangiava il frutto con un'aria un po'maliziosa, tanto che il kohai, senza accorgersene, aveva avuto un'erezione.
"cazzo! Meglio andare in bagno..."
Souichi se ne accorse e rise divertito.
«Vuoi una mano... A smaltirla?» domandò con aria perversa, mascherata, in mal modo, da un filo di innocenza, mettendo la buccia del frutto sul tavolino.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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You could say they could have traded Tetsuhiro eyes with a couple of stars after hearing that his greatest love would agree to hold that baby."Let me be clear, I keep just because I want to make you pay for what you did to me two months ago declared the Champ, with haughty air, but basically he had accepted that little dot that in less than seven months could tighten the arms.Morinaga the squeezed him, kissing him fervently. The Champ, on the other hand, broke away and unapologetically in bump, sliding to the ground. «Ouch! Senpai!»«Sudden mood swings ... Li will have to endure my dear ~ "is justified, Souichi rising and settling the suits. Only now the poor kohai had realized they had to endure in the coming months even more tyrannical behavior from his beloved, but, to be honest it didn't matter if he should do it for the reward. Taking the various ultrasound, returned home."Now you can't bother me for seven and a half months ~» found Midori humming Souichi, hopping happy that enduring excuse.The kohai gasped. It was true during gestation was preferable not to have sex, let alone whether to wait for a child was male, pregnant for miracle. Better not to risk it.------------------------------------------------«Angel-kun, why did you do this? "said Hiroto, seeing him enter the bar with a cadaverous face."I'm three months that we don't ... With the excuse of being pregnant, I can't own it ... And every time I get it up, I can get away with only my hand ... "said the poor Tetsuhiro, drinking half a pint of beer, kindly offered by his friend."Well, come on, you're holding for a good cause ... Think that soon, thanks to me, you will have a baby» remarked the guy behind the wooden counter.Morinaga smiled thinking back to the previous evening. The belly was beginning to be more eye-catching and could not help but stroke him. Remembered Senpai smile while stroking, and tapered hand Danis who was going to rest on its own."I'm looking forward to spending the last few months, Hiroto-kun ... » Whispered sweet, Morinaga immersed in her thoughts. He heard the phone ringing: it was the Champ."When are you going to get home? In 20 minutes we have a doctor's appointment, "the blond sbraitò, stonandogli an ear, then disconnect the call without even waiting for the response of the future father.«Hiroto, I run ... Today we have the second ultrasound. See you next time!»He came home immediately. The senpai was curled up on itself and Morinaga went against, taking his hand."Let's go?" asked the moro, pulling it a bit.«Tetsuhiro ... I'm scared... » Whispered the blonde, while stroking her belly."Why are you afraid, senpai?" said hugging him affectionately, kissing his forehead."I'm scared to be alone ... Not to be a good parent ... I hated this kid, still a bit ripugno ...» drawled, beginning to cry."These sudden mood swings ... thought the kohai, after hearing his words.«Souichi, you're a good mom for our son ... and I won't let some sol-Ouch! What did I do now? "said Morinaga, rubbing his head."I will be your dad! And now move that if not late! "declared rising and heading towards the door.They came with about five minutes late but just in time for the visit."But who's here! Please come ... "said the doctor who followed them from the start.«Took vitamins? Is ready for the second ultrasound? "asked the nurse, causing him to lay on the couch. Tatsumi nodded and stood up. She spread the gel on her stomach just bloated, while the doctor was trying to arrange and monitor the machine to proceed to do an ultrasound.The latter, once ready, everything turned on the monitor and began to pull on the belly of Souichi machinery. The dot had grown a lot. Tetsuhiro Souichi and were fascinated by the black and white image depicting the condition of the child.«Grew ... now is about six centimetres and weighs about 11 grams ... It's really great! "the doctor remarked, smiling."It's a good thing or a bad thing?" asked, in chorus, the two parents, but the doctor assured them that it was better than good.After the visit, gave him the results of ultrasonography, other prescription vitamins and the recommendation of not drinking and smoking during pregnancy.Souichi, now, really wanted to slay Tetsuhiro. How could he live without his cigarettes and his alcoholism? Was repeated several times to me to feel comfortable and be able to resist, he would do everything possible to that child, even if you haven't fully accepted.They came from the big hospital. Morinaga was happy as a clam, Souichi a little less ...Back home, the senpai he threw himself headlong on the sofa, sighing for its softness.«Morinaga! I feel like bananas!» cried, putting a finger in her mouth and looking at him with puppy dog eyes hungry."Now I'm going to buy it, wait here ... Soon be home ... "said the moro, giving him a kiss on the lips and one on my stomach. Souichi instead jumped as he used to do, he took a little addolcendosi,.Morinaga was released and went to buy some bananas, passing next to a baby store. In shop there was a mannequin of a child wearing a blue jumpsuit. He envisions his son in those clothes and was moved.After a while he returned home, alerting the senpai that he had dozed off while waiting for him.Handed him a banana and, after waking up, he admired the senpai. WAS BEST FOR MORINAGA THAT HADN'T.Souichi, perhaps to provoke, perhaps so to do, ate the fruit with a little mischievous, kohai, without realizing it, he had an erection."cock! Better to go to the bathroom. "Souichi noticed and laughed amused.«Need help ... To dispose of it? "he asked with perverted air, disguised, so badly, by a thread of innocence, putting the peel of the fruit on the table.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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You could say that Tetsuhiro could have mistaken her eyes with a pair of stars after hearing that his greatest love would agree to keep that child.
"What is clear, I keep it just because I want to make you pay for what you did to me two months ago, "he said the senpai, haughtily, but basically he had accepted that little dot that in less than seven months he could tighten the arms.
Morinaga I squeezed him, kissing him passionately. The senpai, on the other hand, broke away and caused him to bump, sliding to the ground.
"Ouch! Senpai! "
"Change sudden mood ... I have to endure my dear ~" he justified himself Souichi, rising and settling clothes. Only now the poor kohai had realized that in the coming months had to endure an even more tyrannical behavior on the part of her lover, but, to be honest it did not matter if he should do it for the right reward.
Taking the various ultrasound, they returned home.
" Now you will not bother me for seven and a half months ~ "Souichi sang, hopping happy for that lasting excuse.
The kohai gasped. It was true, during gestation was better not to have sex, I figured if waiting for a child had been a man, pregnant by a miracle ... Better not risk it.
----------------- -------------------------------
"Angel-kun, why did you do this?" asked Hiroto, seeing him enter the bar a cadaverous face.
"There are three months since we do ... With the excuse of being pregnant, I can not own it ... And every time I get it up, I can free myself only with my hand ..." said the poor Tetsuhiro, drinking, half a pint of beer, kindly offered to him by his friend.
"Well, come on, you're holding back for a good cause ... He thinks that soon, thanks to me, you will have a child," remarked the boy behind the wooden bar.
Morinaga smiled thinking about the night before. The belly was beginning to be more eye-catching and could not help but stroke. He remembered the smile of Senpai while stroking it, and the slender hand of the blond was going to lean on his own.
"I can not wait to pass these months, Hiroto-kun ..." She whispered sweet Morinaga, deep in thought. He heard the phone ringing: it was the senpai.
"When are you going to get home? In twenty minutes we had the doctor's appointment! "Yelled the blond, stonandogli one ear, and then disconnect the call without even waiting for the answer of the future father.
"Hiroto, I run ... Today we have the second ultrasound ... To next! "
He came home immediately. The senpai was curled up on itself and Morinaga went against, taking his hand.
"Shall we go?" asked the dark, pulling a bit '.
"Tetsuhiro ... I'm afraid ..." whispered the blond, as he stroked the belly .
"Why are you afraid, senpai?" he asked affectionately hugging him, kissing his forehead.
"I'm afraid of being alone ... Not to be a good parent ... I hated this child, still repelled a little '... "he mumbled, beginning to cry.
"These sudden mood changes ..." thought the kohai, after hearing his words.
"Souichi, you'll be a good mother to our son ... and I will not let some sun -Ahia! What have I done now? "Said Morinaga, rubbing his head.
"I will be father! And if not now move that we're late !! "he said, getting up and heading for the door.
They came with about five minutes late, but just in time for the visit.
"But who's here! Please, come in ... well, "said the doctor who followed them from the start.
"He took the vitamins? He ready for the second ultrasound? "The nurse asked, making him lie down on the bed. Tatsumi nodded and raised his shirt. She smeared the gel on the abdomen just swollen, while the doctor was busy arranging the monitor and the machinery to proceed to do an ultrasound.
The latter, once everything ready, turned on the monitor and began to move machinery on the belly of Souichi. The dot had grown a lot. Tetsuhiro and Souichi were fascinated by that image in black and white depicting the condition of the child.
"He grew up ... now is about six centimeters and weighs 11 grams ... It's really great!" he remarked the doctor , smiling.
"It's a good or bad thing?" he asked, in chorus, the two prospective parents, but the doctor assured them that it was something more than good.
After the visit, gave him the results of 'ultrasound, prescription other vitamins and the recommendation of not drinking and smoking during pregnancy.
Souichi, now, I really wanted to slay Tetsuhiro. How could she live without her cigarettes and her booze? Is repeated several times in mind to feel comfortable and to be able to resist, he would do everything possible for that child, although still not fully accepted.
They left the big hospital. Morinaga was happy as a clam, Souichi a bit 'less ...
Back home, the senpai threw himself on the couch, sighing for its softness.
"Morinaga! I feel like bananas! "He shouted, putting a finger in his mouth and looking at him with puppy dog eyes hungry.
"I'm going to buy, wait here ... Soon I'll be home ..." said the brunette, kissing him on the lips and one on the belly. Souichi, rather than attack him as he had done, he sailed, having calmed down a bit '.
Morinaga went out and went to buy him bananas, past a shop for babies. In the windows there was a mannequin of a child wearing a blue jumpsuit. She imagined her son in those clothes, and was moved.
After a while, 'returned home, alerting the senpai who had dozed off while waiting for him.
She handed him a banana and, after waking up, admired senpai eat. It WAS NOT THE BEST FOR MORINAGA 'HAD.
Souichi, perhaps to provoke him, maybe so to do, eating the fruit with a po'maliziosa air, so that the kohai, without realizing it, he had an erection.
" cock! Better go to the bathroom ... "
Souichi noticed it and laughed, amused.
"Do you want a hand ... To dispose of?" he asked with perverse air, masked, in bad way, from a thread of innocence, putting zest fruit on the table.
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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One could say that Tetsuhiro could have exchanged the eyes with a couple of stars after hearing that his greatest love would have agreed to keep that child.
"Let's be clear, i keep only because I want you pay for what you have done to me two months ago" i declare the senpai, with haughty air,But at the bottom he had accepted that tiny dot between less than seven months could embrace.
Morinaga clasped him strong in itself, comes toward with ardor. The senpai, on the other hand, broke away and the provoked in bernoccolo and slide to the ground.
"Oooh! Senpai! "
"Changing the sudden mood ... Li you'll withstand my dear~" you condone them Souichi,Waking up and shaking their dresses. Only now the poor kohai had realized that in the next few months had to endure a behavior even more tyrannical by part of his beloved, but, to be honest just didn't care if he would have to do it for the right reward.
Taking the various ultrasound scans, they returned to their home.
"Now you're not troubleth me for seven and a half months~" canticchio Souichi,
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